Submission Guidelines


Submission and Presentation Guidelines

This page contains information for scholars presenting and submitting abstract and papers at International Extension Education Congress organised by Society of Extension Education, Agra. Please remember these are suggested guidelines intended to be helpful on a voluntary basis; they are not strict rules and practices may vary among the various technical and presentation sessions.

Academic Standards for Presenters

Society of Extension Education, Agra strives to hold high academic standards for its conference, while also encouraging both established and new scholars to present new ideas and new works. A developed work typically includes an introduction with abstract, introduction, research methodology, results and discussion, conclusion, and references.

Preparing an Oral Presentation

Most oral presentations are 10-12 minutes in length, although some sessions—such as lead paper session or key note address session—have presentations 30-35 minutes in length.  Session chairs should inform presenters of the session and length of presentations. Because presentation time is limited, scholars should not expect to read their papers in full.  Instead presenters are encouraged to talk about their work (i.e. work from an outline) and describe it, with the aim of encouraging audience members to have a discussion with the presenter and the session chairs after the session. The best paper presentation award will be given in each technical session.

Preparing a Poster Presentation

An effective poster presentation functions in a similar fashion to a traditional paper presentation: it serves to promote scholars' work and stimulate scholarly discussion. A poster should concisely present the major points of the author's research and should also provide information on how one might contact the author. Because a poster session will contain many poster presentations, it is important for scholars to have a poster that is easy to read, and that can facilitate discussion about the research. A poster should take approximately 5 minutes for a viewer to read. The amount of text should be limited, and the language on the poster should be simplified and clear. Photographs, charts, graphs, and tables should be used when possible. The font of the poster should be larger - it should be visible from about 4-6 feet away (usually, this is a font size of 18-24 in a font such as Arial or Helvetica). The poster size will be not more than 4’X3’.

Posters should contain the major components of an article. Conventional sections in a poster include an abstract, introduction (which will include objectives & hypotheses), methodology, results, conclusion, and contact information.

Posters will be on display for the duration of the conference and there will be a timetabled slot for contributors to stand by their posters so that participants and poster evaluators can come and discuss the research. The best poster presentation award will be given in each session.

Commitment to Present

If a paper proposal is accepted for presentation to the conference, the author (or at least one of the authors for a multi-authored paper) is expected to attend.

Submission details

Submitting an Abstract 

In the first instance we require everyone who wishes to submit their work to the conference to submit an abstract online describing the proposed paper. Abstracts should be 250-300 words. The online abstract submission form will guide you through the process to submit the same in different themes of the congress.

Submitting a Full Paper 

The author should have received an email telling that the abstract has been selected for submission as a paper. This email will confirm the date for returning your full paper. Please note that this is a FINAL date. The online paper submission form will guide you through the entire process to submit the same in different themes of the congress.  The full paper will be prepared on the basis of the author’s guidelines displayed in the website of the Indian Research Journal of Extension Education. Papers not conforming to the journal style will be returned. The selected papers will be published in a Book volume with an ISBN number.

Advisory Panel | Society of Extension Education, Agra