The 3rd National Extension Education Congress-2005 was organized by the Society of Extension Education, Agra, U.P. in Collaboration with National Dairy Research Institute(NDRI), Karnal(HR) dated April 27-29,2005 .
Dr. Balram Jakhar, Governor, of Madhya Pradesh in the inaugural function while addressing more than 200 delegates stressed that although we have attained great heights in agricultural production at various fronts but still the country has vast potential which need be tapped. He stressed that post harvest technologies need be developed and disseminated so that the producers were benefited. Dr Jakhar also released a compendium containing the papers presented and discussed during the congress.
Dr. Mangala Rai, Director General (DG) Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR) and secretary Department of Agriculture Research and Education (DARE) said that sea change in the extension system is expected and linkages need be strengthened from production to consumption levels. D.G. said that in coming time cyber extension will play a major role in dissemination of need based scientific information.
In the valedictory function Dr.P.S.Lamba former Vice Chancellor Haryana Agriculture University was the chief guest and Dr Panjab Singh, Director of the School of Agriculture, Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) presided over. Dr. Singh said that "the knowledge has emerged as powerful tool and extension has to play nucleus role to reach to the different clientele in the rural areas".
Dr. R.P Singh president of SEE said that institutional arrangements for farmer driven and farmer accountable extension system were required under new world economic regime. Dr. Raj Vir Singh Director NDRI said that the recommendations emerging from the deliberation would provide new directions for newer extension approaches.
Dr. Ram Chand ADG (KVKs) ICAR said that In various sessions of the three days congress the scientists recommended that the extension system need be demand driven that could respond to the diversified needs of the farming community that would lead to the improvement of planning and monitoring of the extension system.
Dr. Jitendra Chauhan General secretary of the SEE said that the congress provided a platform to the scientist for sharing the recent extension research experiences. Dr Panjab Singh, former D.G. ICAR, Dr. Nagendra Sharma V.C. Shere- Kasmir University, Jammu, Dr. G. Trivedi former Vice Chancellor and Dr. Shakila Khan vice president of SEE were honoured by presenting SEE Fellow Award-2005.
Advisory Panel | Society of Extension Education, Agra