

Maharana Pratap

RARI Durgapura Jaipur

Ist INEEC 2023



Rural Transformation and Sustainable Agri-food System through Community Based Organisation (CBO) Oriented Extension Strategy

Date  :  December 18-20, 2023
Venue  :   RARI, Durgapura, Jaipur (Raj.) (SKN Agricultural University, Jobner), 

In the changing rural scenario, the Community-Based Organisation (CBO) is emerging as the key player in rural poverty alleviation and ensuring food security through transformation. In India, more than 70 per cent of the population dwells in villages. According to the 2011 census, there are about 6, 38,596 villages constituting more than 100 crores of population. Even after 70 years of independence, the people in villages are found to be economically backward, socially oppressed, culturally suppressed, and in general deprived of facilities like health, education, transportation, and communication. Consequently, they are prone to poverty, illiteracy, ignorance, and other exploitations. So, to work with the people in rural areas to unleash the essence of developmental services requires the existence and strengthening of Community Based Organisation (CBO). A community-based organization is an organization that provides social services at the local level. It is a non-profit organization whose activities are based primarily on voluntary efforts. Community-based organizations are answers to the capabilities of communities to respond to various risks and adapt to changing conditions. Firstly, strong organizations at the local level help communities coordinate actions and make joint decisions. Well-organized communities are always in a better position to manage their natural resources in a sustainable manner and act in response to external shocks, including those related to poverty. In addition, a community-based organization is a foundation that enables local communities to voice and enforce their interests to influence the decision-making process at a higher level and to make the policymakers accountable. Through strong community-based organizations, communities are more successful in seeking support for adaptation in the form of financial flows, information and capacity building etc. Sustainable agrifood systems are critical to averting climate-driven social and ecological disasters, overcoming the growth paradigm, and redefining the interactions of humanity and nature in the twenty-first century. The endurance of small-scale agroecological production systems around the world is evidence of their continuing importance to household consumption, community livelihood, and cultural identity as well as surrounding landscapes and ecologies.

Community Based Organizations (CBOs) are not-for-profit; organizations at the local and national level facilitating community efforts for community development. CBOs work through people-centered modes of development ensuring the availability of micro-finance, and quality participation in development leading to improved community health, education, and infrastructures over time. The purpose of CBOs is to plan, implement, and monitor social and economic development programs and provide technical and financial help to the communities. CBOs positively affect the process of rural change i.e. increase in income, improvement in health, nutrition, and literacy status of the populations through programs on micro-enterprise, health and education, sustainable agriculture, animal husbandry, safe water and sanitation etc.

Assuring the social, economic, and ecological future of human and non-human life depends on changing dominant agrifood systems as well as dominant agrifood systems research and education. Advancing our understanding of existing agrifood system solutions helps stakeholders identify innovative solution options, support maintaining present solutions, test solution plans, optimize implementation efforts, and verify solution outcomes before, during, and after implementation. In such a resilient situation, the CBOs can play a pivotal role as extension service providers related to food, health, and education of the rural people for a sustainable agri-food system and rural development.

Themes of the Congress :

Theme 1: Emerging experiences on CBOs’ intervention and Sustainable Agri-food Systems

Sub –Themes

  1. Global scenario on the involvement of CBOs in Extension
  2. Global trends of Sustainable Agri-food Systems
  3. Technological improvement for sustainable agri-food systems
  4. Technology/input linkages and market integration
  5. Promotional strategies of CBOs
  6. Successful cases for the formation and sustenance of CBOs
  7. Case studies on CBOs engaged in exports and imports of products and services,
  8. Capacity building and networking of CBOs: India and Abroad
  9. Farm Advisories through IT Platforms
  10. Promoting agriculture-based rural enterprises through secondary agriculture
  11. Utilization of CBO as a tool for rural transformation: Empowerment, strategies, and experiences.
  12. Effectiveness of CBO as an extension strategy

Theme 2: Recent Trends in Agriculture and Resource Management


  1. Land use Planning and Management and, Solar Farming
  2. Climate Resilient Agriculture and Abiotic Stress Management 
  3. Nutrient Management and Neno Fertilizer use
  4. Organic Farming 
  5. Participatory Watershed Management 
  6. Weed Management and Bio-waste Management 
  7. Animal Resource Management
  8. Solid waste management 
  9. Regional and community governance
  10. Management of common property by CBOs
  11. Management of unused land under Government organization

Theme-3: Bio-diversity and Resource Conservation, Livelihood and Food Security towards Sustainable Agri-food Systems


  1. Conservation Agriculture and Resource Conservation Technologies in Agriculture
  2. Crop Diversification 
  3. Development of Integrated Farming Systems 
  4. Integrated Water Management & Waste Water Utilization 
  5. Mainstreaming Rainfed / Dryland Farming and Agricultural Disaster Management 
  6. Management of Problematic Soils – Saline, Alkaline, Acid and Waterlogged Soils 
  7. Environment Pollution and Disaster monitoring and Management

Theme-4: Advances in Social Management in Agriculture and Allied Sciences


  1. Smart Agriculture and Precision Agriculture
  2. Transfer of Technology (ToT) for Resource Management
  3. Attracting and Retaining Youth in Agriculture
  4. Farmers’ Organisation and Resource Management
  5. Women Empowerment, Social Justice and Resource Management
  6. Gender, environment and development 
  7. Conservation and Sustainability of Environmental Resources 
  8. Disaster Management
  9. Farm mechanization and post-harvest technologies to enhance farm income
  10. Environmental, Social and Business Ethics 
  11. Rural innovation
  12. Market led Extension
  13. Public Private partnership
  14. Rural Entrepreneurship
  15. Tribal Development

Theme- 5: Capacity Building to Address Diverse Resource Management Issues towards Sustainable Agri-food Systems


  1. Advisory and technical support to programme/project design, implementation, monitoring of CBO and its sustainability
  2. Policy dialogue, advocacy and awareness-raising on CBOs’ interventions
  3. Information-sharing and collaboration among stakeholders
  4. Knowledge management for environmental sustainability
  5. Regional, National and Global partnerships on diverse Resource Management

Theme- 6: Community based Farming System for Nutrition - Achieving Nutritional Security for the Farm Families and Community


  1. Nutritional Security of Children's and Women – Programs and strategies
  2. Farming System for Nutrition – Farm families in rural and urban sectors
  3. National and International programs and strategies for Nutritional Security of the people
  4. Models and Themes of the Nutritionally Enriched Crops and Animal Components


The Congress will be open to scientists, scholars, teachers, extension professionals, field functionaries, administrators, policymakers, farmers, students, corporate representatives, industries, and media persons including other stakeholders involved in agriculture and rural development from public and private sectors.

Dates of Congress: December 18-20, 2023

Mode  of Presentation: The participants may present their papers in hybrid mode.

Venue: Rajasthan Agricultural Research Institute (RARI), Tonk Rd, opp. Radisson Blu, Durgapura, Jaipur, Rajasthan (SKNAU, Jobner, Rajasthan)

Participation details

You can participate in the Ist IEEC by contributing Working papers, Research papers, Review papers, Policy papers, Concept papers, and Success stories related to congress themes in soft copy. Paper abstracts containing not more than 300 words may be sent up to September 30, 2023, and the lead papers may be sent to organizers on or before October 15, 2023, to the mail (

The full-length papers are to be submitted by October 15, 2023, along with the registration fee. Needless to mention only theme-based papers will be screened for publication after the congress is over. Registration form is available on the website of the Society.


The Society will honour the Agricultural and Social Scientists including teachers, professionals, policymakers, practitioners, and scholars. Those who have made outstanding contributions in their respective fields may apply for the following awards (except the Lifetime Achievement Award) by sending their brief resume by September 15, 2023.

The Society has the full right to decide the number of awards. The details of awards and prescribed Performa for application of award is available on the website (

Boarding and Lodging

Accommodation for the participants will be arranged in nearby Hotels only on their confirmation for the participation in advance. Alternatively, you can also book accommodation on your initiative. Reservation of accommodation will be made to those delegates who send their registration fee in advance. The cost of lodging must be met by the participants themselves.

Registration Fees                      

Delegates                                         : Rs.     6000/-

Student delegates                             : Rs.     4000/-                               

Retired Persons                               : Rs.     1000/-

Each Accompanying person          : Rs.     3000/-

Foreign delegate                               :  $        400/-

Spot Registration                             : Rs.     8000/-


Note: The delegates should confirm their participation by September 30, 2023, through e-mail for comfortable arrangements. Registration fee is to be directly deposited in SEE Account (available on our website) or D.D. drew in favour of the 'Society of Extension Education' payable at ICICI Bank, Agra.

Delegates whose abstracts are accepted may send their registration fees along with the registration forms to the General Secretary on or before August 31, 2023 through e-mail: or on our website.

Dates to Remember:

Conference Dates                    :           December 18-20, 2023

Submission of Abstracts        :           September 30, 2023

Submission of Lead Papers   :           October 15, 2023

Application for Awards         :           September 15, 2023

Our Achievements


The SEEA is regularly publishing its journal "Indian Research Journal of Extension Education(IRJEE)" and organizing "National Extension Education Congress (NEEC)" in different parts of Country for professional growth of its members and addressing issue pertaining to extension education.


Our Sponsors


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